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Draw a soldier

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This sheet explains how to draw a brave soldier, in 5 steps, ready to fight the enemy! With this simple and fun method for learning how to draw, children will become real artists!


To create this soldier, you can use Canson paper®"C" à Grain®, Mi-Teintes® or Vivaldi®.

Step 1

Start by drawing three rectangles in pencil as shown opposite.

These rectangles correspond to the soldier's body, head and shield

Step 2

Add the arms in a schematic form as well as some details on the shield.

Step 3

Give more detail to the solider by adding the features as shown opposite.

Step 4

Add the sword, the bottom of the chain mail and refine the soldier's face as well as his shield.

Step 5

Add whatever colours you wish (the chain mail is best in grey) and complement your drawing with a background or other (here there is a war machine in the background).