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Create a beautiful glittering star

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Children gaze at the stars through their window at night with their parents.

Have them create a beautiful star that they can hang in their room.

This activity can be combined with classroom observations of the stars or study of the constellations.


Material :

Step 1

Download the PDF to get the template.

Print the template and copy it onto the white face of a metallic gold sheet.

With the aid of a ballpoint pen, copy the dotted lines, again on the white face.

Cut out the star following the solid lines.

Step 2

Fold the star along the yellow dotted lines so that they are not visible. Fold along the blue dotted lines so that they are visible.

To check that the folds are correctly done, fold the star into one piece like in the picture.

Carefully unfold the star so that it is in relief.

Step 3

Take a sheet of white paper and cut it into a 21x21cm square.

Colour the whole sheet with yellow pastels and brush over it with blue acrylic paint. This will give a variation in colours and add effect to your work.

Take a piece of newspaper, scrunch it into a ball and stick it in the centre of the sheet. Paste your star onto the newspaper ball to keep it in relief.

To enhance the brilliance of the star, take a toothpick and scrape the blue acrylic paint around the star. This will result in the yellow of the oil pastels being able to show through.