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Selecting accessories for painting with acrylics

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A palette and easel, two essentials you need to remember!

1. Palette

Only choose models in non-porous materials: plastic, porcelain, glass or acrylic paper.

- Your improvised palette: an old porcelain plate, a thick sheet of glass (make sure to cover the edges with adhesive tape so you don't cut yourself) or a ceramic tile (ask for a sample in a do-it-yourself store).

- Paper palette: a pad of paper on which you mix your paints. When you finish your session, just pull the used sheet off and throw it away.

2. Easel

Studio easel, student easel or table top easel: which one do you need? It all depends on your habits!

- Do you usually do large or small format paintings?

- Do you like to work standing or sitting?

- Do you have enough space?



- Studio easels come as big as 1.80 m. You can adjust the height and tilt. They is ideal for people who have a studio or a room they can dedicate to their passion and who like to do large format work.

- Table easels are less than 60 cm. They are practical if you don't have enough space.

- Student easels are used by people who love being outdoors: they are light (2.5 kg) and have adjustable telescopic legs. Their major defect: they tend to be unstable.

3. And also…

- A paper pencil or charcoal for sketching.
- A sponge, a soft rag, a roll of paper towels, and some water.