Time of execution: 2 hours / Level: intermediate
Artist : Zélia Rodrigues
Learn how to create your manga characters! From conceiving them on scratch paper to coloring them with watercolors, here are ten steps designed for you to develop good reflexes and improve your technique.
Paper: Canson Illustration (Graphic Novels , Manga, Comics) 250g/m², 1 sheet of scratch paper
Pencils and paintbrushes: 1 HB 0.5 mm mechanical pencil with red leads, one 0.2 and one 0.1 inking pen and 1 (small gray) round, pointed brush medium, 1 small paint brush with synthetic bristles
5 watercolor colors in pots: green, pink, orange, brown and yellow
Accessories: 1 simple eraser, 1 eraser holder, 1 roll of paper towels, 1 white marker