“Bach-Hông” is a short, 17 minutes long, film directed by Elsa Duhamel and produced by Fargo (Bourg-Lès-Valence, France). This short film was entirely coloured by hand.
But do you know how these types of films are made?
Firstly, the drawings are created on a computer in black and white. For this 17 minute short film that equates to almost 10,000 drawings, including around 200 backdrops.
Each of these 10,000 drawings is then printed onto Canson® Imagine paper. Then, with the help of a light table, the colourists painstakingly add colour, in the form of ink, to the non-printed side of the paper.
Finally, each image is scanned and the animation comes to life on screen.
This type of process creates bright, vibrant colours, depicting great sensitivity and emotion.
Canson® is proud to have been part of this incredible project!